Keep Your Box to Yourself

May, 20, 2021
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I’ve been in a funk, lately. I was reflecting on the advice videos I’ve watched and encouragement I’ve received lately, and it’s always the same thing: find a box and stick to it, that’s how you’ll become successful. I don’t want to do that. I want to be the anomaly who does whatever she wants and succeeds.

Perhaps I should back-track a little. I’ve been on YouTube as a creator for 7 years. I’ve received what I consider a very small amount of growth in that amount of time: about 3,750 subscribers as I type this. People on the internet always say to find a niche and stick to it, but that’s not who I am. I don’t want to conform to a box just because of the success that comes with it. I don’t want to be “the girl who makes UTA videos” or whatever else. I want to create what my heart desires and see it be successful because of how great it is.

I’m sick of worrying about algorithms and trying to do what pleases an audience for the sake of growth. You know what happens when you do that? You become a puppet. The same people who watch you and make you successful are the same people who will one day cut your strings.

I’ve tried playing by the rules, and it only led me to burnout and discouragement. That’s where I am, today. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to where I want to be on YouTube, honestly. But I have two words of advice for two different types of people:

If you’re an aspiring creator, whether that be on YouTube, in music, acting, the arts or whatever: Do what you love, what you enjoy, what you want.

If you’re some sort of YouTube or social media “guru” who feeds off of the desperation of young creators who want to succeed: Keep your box to yourself.

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